Africanopy starts television white space commercial trial
Africanopy starts television white space commercial trial
Alumni Energy Investments is ecstatic to announce that Africanopy has commenced an in-trial roll-out of low cost broadband internet using television white space. Residents of the King Cetshwayo district in northern Kwa-Zulu Natal are the first to enjoy the benefits of the trial, which is intended to last for 6-8 months.

AEI CEO Shakes Motsilili makes a call using television white space
Alumni Energy Investments supports innovative pre-revenue start ups with the potential to make positive changes to society and create long term returns for investors.
Watch the below video to learn more about our trial and how we have helped make Africanopy’s dream a reality.
1 Comment
Mbuyisa Cengimbo · January 15, 2021 at 3:18 pm
This is excellent, well done and much success to you guys.